dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2014


You can drive a car,
You can drive a truck,
You can ride on a train or in a bus.
How do you get from “A” to “B”
Over land , through the air or on the sea.
You can ride a scooter

You can ride a bike,
You can ride a unicycle if you like.
How do you get from “A” to “B”
Over land , through the air or on the sea.

You  can sail a yacht
If the wind is right
Or inside a submarine

If it´s watertight.

You can fly a plane
Way up in the sky
Or a helicopter
If you want to try
How do you get from “A” to “B”
Over land , through the air or on the sea.

You can catch a taxi
If you have the fair
Or you can walk
From here to there
How do you get from “A” to “B”
Over land , through the air or on the sea.

You can fly a rocket ship
If you have been taught
But first you have to train to be an astronaut.
How do you get from “A” to “B”
Over land , through the air or on the sea.
How do you get from “A” to “B”

Over land , through the air or on the sea.


Our children fron second year have been working on their project about transport.We've learned some vocabulary about it.

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014

Dansa Ara (actuació)

El dia 1 d’abril de 2014, els nens i nenes de segon van participar a l’espectacle de dansa contemporània que es va celebrar al Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelona: “DANSA ARA”, juntament amb gairebé sis mil infants.

Aquí podeu veure alguns dels moments més interessants.

Si voleu veure el reportatge que va fer TV3 cliqueu aquí